There are two types of hospitals in Singapore.One private the other is Government.Both the segments work 24 hours to meet the emergency demands. To get admitted in a few documents with him. They are identification letter,Doctor's references, and a guarantee of payment.Government hospitals provide various kind of treatment,depending on your pockets.Foreigners have to pay more than natives of Singapore.The rate of private hospitals are generally higher than the government hospitals.A single bedded ward costs $280 where as two bedded ward costs $220 per day. Four bedded costs only $80 per day.Well reputed private hospitals are Gleneagles,Mount Elezabeth, and Thomson hospitals. And govt hospitals are Kandang Kerbau,National University Hospital,Singapore General Hospital,Changi General hospital,Tan Tock seng and Ang Mo Kio.
Very competent Doctors and the staff are the back bone of this medical tourism.In April 2001, Singapore Doctors separated Nepalese twins Ganga Jamuna successfully.It was 90 hour operation.The Health Sciences Authority is into taking care of international patients. Mnay Singapore hospitals have international departments.These departments take care of patients with appointment with top Doctors, transportation,accommodation and other mundane services. Singapore has expertise in reproductive and fertility issues,limb re attachment and joint replacements.